Thanksgiving Homecomings: A Guide for Adult Children on Assessing Senior Safety

Thanksgiving is a time for family reunions, feasts, and cherished memories. It's an occasion when adult children often return to their parents' homes, offering a unique opportunity to assess the safety and well-being of their aging loved ones. As a real estate agent who specializes in assisting seniors and their adult children, I understand the importance of a safe and healthy living environment for older adults.

In this blog, we have nine things to look for when visiting your parents' home during Thanksgiving to ensure their safety and well-being.

1. Maintenance and Repairs

Inspect the house for any signs of disrepair. Peeling paint, loose handrails, leaky faucets, or malfunctioning appliances can indicate that your parents may be struggling to maintain their home adequately. These issues can pose safety hazards and should be addressed promptly.

2. Mobility and Accessibility

Assess the accessibility of the home. Is it easy for your parents to move around? Are there any tripping hazards, such as loose rugs or uneven flooring? Check for adequate lighting in hallways, staircases, and other critical areas to prevent accidents.

3. Bathroom Safety

The bathroom is a high-risk area for seniors. Check if there are grab bars installed, non-slip mats, and a raised toilet seat. These modifications can greatly enhance bathroom safety for elderly family members.

4. Kitchen Safety

Analyze the condition of the kitchen. Ensure that appliances are in good working order and that your parents can access items without straining or reaching. Look for fire hazards, like unattended stovetops or clutter near the cooking area.

5. Medication Management

Inspect how your parents are managing their medications. Are they organized, taking the correct doses, and refilling prescriptions on time? Failure to manage medications properly can have serious health consequences.

6. Emergency Preparedness

Discuss emergency preparedness with your parents. Do they have a working smoke detector and carbon monoxide alarm? Are they aware of the evacuation plan in case of a fire or other emergencies? Review their emergency contacts as well.

7. Social Isolation

Assess whether your parents are staying socially engaged. Loneliness and isolation can lead to mental and physical health problems. Encourage them to maintain relationships with friends, neighbors, or social groups.

8. Cognitive Function

Observe any changes in your parents' cognitive function. Forgetfulness, confusion, or difficulty making decisions can be signs of cognitive decline. It's important to address these concerns promptly and seek medical advice if needed.

9. Seek Their Input

Remember that your parents' feelings and preferences matter. Open a compassionate and respectful dialogue with them about any concerns you may have. They should be active participants in the decision-making process regarding their living situation.


Thanksgiving is not only a time for gratitude but also an opportunity to ensure the safety and well-being of your aging parents. By following this checklist, you can identify potential issues and make the necessary changes to ensure their home is a safe and healthy environment.

As a real estate agent specializing in assisting seniors and their adult children, I can play a vital role in helping families find suitable living arrangements when the time comes for downsizing or transitioning to a safer environment.

This Thanksgiving, make the most of your family time by helping your loved ones maintain their independence, safety, and overall well-being.